Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Day I had Two Shaider Blue Hawks!

What is better than a Blue Hawk Bike figure?... TWO Blue Hawk Bike figures!

One day on July 2016, I was able to get two Shaider Blue Hawks.

Before I got rid of the other one, I had fun of taking pictures of them. I had only one Shaider figure so I removed it in the photos.

For more information about the Shaider Blue Hawk vehicle. You can ready my previous post:
Space Sheriff Shaider Blue Hawk Bike Vehicle with Shaider Figure by Bandai - Toy Review


The top view of both Blue Hawks with both wings stretched is the coolest shot I took. They look like planes ready to fly.

Top View - Shaider Blue Hawks 

The side and front view pose is not bad either as they look like more of Police bikes.

Front Side View - Shaider Blue Hawks 
 The 3rd shot is more like they were parked after a long ride.

Front Side View - Shaider Blue Hawks 
 This top view looks cool too!

Top View - Shaider Blue Hawks 

Shooting them like they were falling in line like police cars. The wings are not noticeable.

Side View - Shaider Blue Hawks 
 Now I took a shot with wings closed to see the 'BLUHAWK' name on the wings.

Left Side View - Shaider Blue Hawks with closed wing 

It looks like they are ready to fly again.

Right Side View - Shaider Blue Hawks with closed wing 

I wanted to keep both, but I had to sell the other one to buy another toy. I really enjoyed taking these pictures.

But posing the Blue Hawk Figure with the Shaider figure makes it a lot cooler!

The figure comes-up for sale once or twice a year, and usually sells fast. So I suggest getting it as soon as you see it becomes available.

I suggest getting this hard-to-find toy today, you can use this link here "Shaider Blue Hawk Bike" and adding it to your collection if you are a Shaider fan. 

Check out my other Shaider posts if you enjoyed this one.

Share your Shaider childhood memories in the comment section below or if you have any questions.

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Thank you.... and have fun collecting!



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