Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hajime No Ippo Keychains - Toy Review!

As a fan of Hajime no Ippo (はじめの一歩, lit. "The First Step"), a Japanese manga boxing series, I have read  at least 1,000 manga chapters as of 2017 and watched all 3 seasons of the anime.

The  first season, "Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting!" TV adaptation was the anime that really made me a fan. The story, and the fight scenes, especially with the original japanese soundtrack makes my arm hairs go up.

I wanted to collect just small figures with good details, because they are easy to display and easy to store.

Luckily, a keychain set was released by Bandai last 2001.

Ippo Makunouchi (幕之内 一歩 Makunouchi Ippo) Keychain

The first figure I got was Ippo, the figure stands around 2 inches tall. as compared with a AA battery.

Hajime no Ippo - Ippo Makunochi Keychain

I have no accompanying manual with the keychain but I was able to find this from the Bandai website.

The Hajime No Ippo Keychains were released in Japan, but some of them eventually end up in North and South America since the anime series was also shown there.

Slowly, I was able to luckily find the other characters, take note that the keychains being released in 2001, very few of them are available now.

I got Mamoru Takamura (鷹村 守 Takamura Mamoru), after Ippo. The details in their muscles makes it a good enough figure for display.
Mamoru Takamura (鷹村 守 Takamura Mamoru) Keychain

Then Ippo's bestfriend, Ichirō Miyata (宮田 一郎 Miyata Ichirō), with his signature ready to counter pose.
Ichirō Miyata (宮田 一郎 Miyata Ichirō) Keychain
Next is Volg Zangief, with his piercing eyes.
Volg Zangief, Keychain
After getting four Hajime No Ippo Keychains, I made a group shot of them.
Hajime No Ippo Keychains Group Shot
This is their side-view shot.
Hajime No Ippo Keychains Group Shot - Side View
The year after, I was lucky enough to find two major characters, Ryō Mashiba (間柴 了 Mashiba Ryō) and Takeshi Sendō (千堂 武士 Sendō Takeshi).

Sendou is posed doing his 'Smash' punch.  While Mashiba is doing his 'Flicker' jab pose.

The last Hajime No Ippo Keychain I was able to get is Masaru Aoki (青木 勝 Aoki Masaru). Aoki had the funniest / weirdest finishing moves, so it is fit that his keychain looks like this.
Masaru Aoki (青木 勝 Aoki Masaru) Keychain
 I think he is doing the "Frog Punch"!
Masaru Aoki (青木 勝 Aoki Masaru) Keychain
 This is what Aoki's keychain face looks like.
Masaru Aoki (青木 勝 Aoki Masaru) Keychain

These keychains generally are priced around, $5 to $10 depending on the country of origin.

If you want to find them I recommend clicking and bookmarking this link. Hajime No Ippo Keychains 


These are the cheapest Hajime no Ippo keychain I could find with good quality. If you want bigger figures, you will have to prepare to shelf out a big amount for them. 

I will create a separate post about the other Hajime no Ippo figures you can collect.

I will also create a toy review video on my Youtube Channel in the future about this figure.

Share your childhood memories in the comment section below or if you have any questions.

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Thank you.... and have fun collecting!


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